How does Facial Acupuncture work?

Face acupuncture invigorates the body's qi (energy) and blood. It brings fresh blood to the face and helps the lymph system to drain away waste and toxins. Muscles of the face are stimulated and their tone improved which reduces harshness and lines. The face generally looks fresher and the skin is improved.
At the same time we are attending to the outside (what you see) we can use some additional acupuncture points (usually on the arms and legs) to work on the inside. In this way we are working holistically, namely on the physical appearance and on the underlying factors which influence that.


 What clients have said about my services

I had suffered for nearly ten years with a shoulder problem which caused me pain and limited movement; I wasn’t able to swim or lift and it became so bad that I had an appointment for surgery, which I was told by the surgeon was the only treatment for what he diagnosed as Acute Calcific Tendonitis.

That was three years ago and I still have no pain or limitation, I regularly go swimming and I’m so glad I didn’t go through with the surgery. 

I’m really grateful to Sarah for improving my quality of life and If you are thinking of seeing her I would strongly recommend you do. 

Eileen Johnson

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I was treated by Sarah Strudwick in 2002 for menopausal symptoms, using acupuncture. I chose this as I did not want to take HRT in any shape or form.

The treatment proved to be very effective for me, and 5 years later I very rarely have any hot flushes or other symptoms. 

I would recommend this to anyone as an excellent alternative to HRT. 

Wendy Barber


I found my acupuncture sessions with Sarah to be relaxing and calming, and her realistic approach to dealing with my complaint was reassuring. I would thoroughly recommend her service 

Julia Edwards


I hadn't had a period for over 3 months and had been suffering from stress at college. After only one treatment with acupuncture from Sarah my periods started the following day. On top of that I had a few more treatments and my stress levels went right down and I felt much calmer. 
